Make better business decisions with Machine Learning!
Predict future sales based on current data! Find the most important factors of your success!
Teach an algorithm how to categorize your items, and forget doing it by hand ever again!
Different clients have different needs - identify each group by clustering!
What's this good for?
Far too often are important business decisions based on a hunch
We help you be better than that, so you can make the best possible decision for your business.
Use regression to predict sales, customer satisfaction, app usage and more!
Find out what makes your users tick - get a report about which variables influence your target variables the most!
Why do the same repetitive work over and over?
Get an easy-to-use app that categorize your input automatically based on past data.
Let us teach an algorithm to categorize your data!
Categorization can be used for more than spam filtering - compare possible customers to see which one is the best to start working with! Or just automatize your categorization. You have better things to do than manually writing updating those Excel sheets!
Sometimes you just KNOW something's hiding in those numbers!
It's okay to try to make sense of data even if you don't have a specific goal - yet!
Clustering can find patterns human eyes could easily miss
Clustering can group your data into multiple clusters based on patterns it discovers, so you have better insight. Then when new data comes in, it can also automatically predict wthe cluster the new data will fit in!